
” A clean, pollution-free environment = better health for the family and community ”

Regarding environment, ACDA has worked hardly on providing a health proper environment for the people in the needy rural communities, through providing an unconventional sanitation system for individuals, delivering clean drinking water, disposing of gray water used by landfills, implementing environmental campaigns for cleanliness and afforestation, and holding awareness-raising seminars to raise environmental awareness of Climate change and how environmental pollutants influence it. Moreover, Educating children in schools about the importance of preserving clean water, protecting the Nile River from pollution, besides organizing World Environment Day Celebrations annually.

Start working in the area of environment

ACDA has started working in the area of environment since 1993, when a lady donated 10,000 Egyptian pounds to implement sanitary latrines for children with special needs in need.

After that, ACDA began diversifying its services in the area of the environment, by providing environmental health awareness, environmental loans, afforestation, implementing sanitary latrines, and delivering clean drinking water.

Health awareness in Villages

In 1993 &1994 ACDA implemented a model for environmental health awareness in the Manfalut district, in cooperation with UNICEF, for identifying improper environmental practices. A research and a preliminary test were carried out, then awareness programs were implemented and after that a post test was applied to measure the impact of the awareness sessions on the beneficiaries.

Environmental loans

From 2000 till 2003 ACDA implemented another environmental activity as a part of “Integrated care for handicapped children and needy families in Upper Egypt” project, funded by The Egyptian Swiss Fund and in cooperation with TDH. That projects included;
  • Implementation of cleaning and afforestation campaigns for 12 villages in 4 districts in Assiut.
  • Putting rubbish bins in each village, in coordination with the local units and youth centers in these villages.

Not only the above-mentioned activities were implemented by ACDA, but the activities in the are of environment extended to include implementing environmental loans to help needy families to have sanitary latrines and delivery of clean drinking water.

Also through the environmental loans project in cooperation with the American embassy for a year, ACDA implemented 31 sanitary latrines using the analytical reservoir system.

Protecting water from pollution

ACDA implemented “Protecting water Pollution” Project, funded by (GEF), to dispose wastewater by throwing it in landfills for treatment.

Egypt renaissance project

In cooperation with the Ministry of International Cooperation, ACDA offered more environmental activities from 2005 and 2008. The environmental services varied to include cleaning campaigns, implementing sanitary latrines, delivery of clean drinking water, awareness campaigns. In addition to experience exchange visits among NGOs have experience in the environment field.C

celebrating the environment special days

ACDA participated in the World Environment Day, with a Campaign entitled “Clean up the World “. ACDA chosen an area at Nile Corniche of Assiut city for cleaning and prepare it to be a walkway, as a symbol of the World Environment Day. Notably, General Nabil El-Ezaby, Governor of Assiut, offered great material and moral support and the campaign was in cooperation with the Arab Office for Youth and Environment in Cairo.


  • Educating children in schools about the importance of preserving clean water, protecting the Nile River from pollution
  • ACDA negotiated with Assiut and could persuade them to stop cleaning the university roads with drinking water.